
We have received some wonderful messages affirming the positive impact of our work, words of encouragement and support, and stories shared by some of the wonderful people who care about families affected by baby loss or who have experienced it themselves. I thought it would be appropriate to share some of them here with you so you too may witness the love, compassion and care of so many beautiful hearts.

Celia wrote: "We couldn't manage without you now thank you Val you are so special" (Midwife RLI)

Lindsay wrote: "Thank you so much Val both me and my service are very grateful for what you are enabling me to offer parents at such a difficult time. The difference it makes amazing xxx" (Specialist Bereavement Nurse RLI)

Lindsay wrote: "The last bag I gave out last week brought so much comfort. The lady I gave it to already had her battles with depression and had delivered a much wanted 15week gestation little boy. She was very low, naturally, but the smile the bag gave her was worth more than any words I had. I did wonder whether she was the type of person that would benefit but not only the content but the comfort she took from the words inside meant so much. Thank you again from all the families you help. As a professional I can see the benefits and joy they bring. I hope we can continue to work together to support these families through these dark times and see the light again xxxx" (Specialist Bereavement Nurse RLI)

Kim wrote: "If only more people in the world cared as much as you do Val. I'm sure these will bring much needed comfort to families. Wonderful xx"

Andreapeter wrote: "I suffered 5 before I had my 3 children and never got any support at all I was just told there isn't anything round here. Amazing work you're doing x"

Laura wrote: "I think this page is amazing and it really does help people deal with the loss of their babys this page is brilliant thankyou for setting this page up xx"

Brett wrote: "Thanks val great work you are doing, we have donated £5.00 tonight and our business will buy a remembrance box shortly xx"

Kim wrote: "I hope you don't mind me messaging you. I've just stumbled upon this page through a friend. I just wanted to say how wonderful it is that there are people like you still in the world, offering love and support to a cause which I think is tragically overlooked by many. What a beautiful thing to do in memory of your beautiful daughter Lily. Respect to you x"

Suzie wrote: "thank you so much xxx we would have left with nothing xxx it has meant everything"

Howard wrote: "Thank you for being there x"

Kirsty wrote: "Hi. I just wanted to say a big well done on what you have achieved, how wonderful it is that your packs are now available throughout the RLI. 
We were handed a few sheets of paper when our daughter died (27mths) with 'what to do next' and the nurses did to hand and foot prints for us. But they were just tucked into an A5 envelope. These boxes will mean so much to people who experience many different kinds of loss. 
Thank you xx"

Judith wrote: "This is wonderful and will really make a difference. Keep up the good work you are doing x"

Jean wrote: "What  an incredible evening. It was beautiful, poetic and musical. As we walked down towards the statue with our candles dedicated to our babies and saw Venus with her brightly lit wings on both her and her child was both moving and inspirational. I was so proud to be part of both parts of the event. Thank you Shane for going to so much work to make Venus and Cupid even more beautiful and Thanks to Val and Patrick for all your work but most of all THANKS to Lily for her inspiration and teachings.  I cant think of a more significant place to hold this remembrance service than a statue of a mother and child. For anyone who wants to know more about this event or Val's work please Facebook Tigerlily Trust." ( Hypnobirthing Practitioner, speaking about our Remembrance Celebration) 

Lynn wrote: "Just wanted to say that your trust is beautiful and very thoughtful.

Darren and I found out at our daughters 12 week scan that she had a lethal condition called Hydropresencephaly. Where the frontal brain doesn't form and the baby rarely goes full term.  If it does the facial abnormalities are horrific and life threatening.  We gave birth at 13 weeks. 

Amelie Rose was so tiny but perfectly formed. We took photos of our beautiful daughter so we could cherish her memory. 

We weren't treated with respect or dignity and it made what we were going through that much harder. The chance to have had someone who understood our pain talk to us or just guide us would have been so special. Also we never had a photo of the three of us which would have been so special. 

Please keep moving forward with your trust because as you so cruelly know ..... its the hardest period of life there can be. Thank you,  Lynn xxxx" 

October 15th International Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day + Global Wave of Light
We are very grateful to Scott and Claire for their generous hospitality in hosting us for our annual Remembra

nce Celebration. We invite you to join us for a very special evening remembering and celebrating all our babies and children gone to soon.
On this special date, we will light candles and be part of the global wave of light around the world. It will be an evening of remembering and honouring our babies, sharing and connecting with those who have travelled this path and those who help us to travel it. 
If you would like to come along, please join our event on Facebook - to help us prepare for accommodating you.

Doors open 6pm please come early to allow time for candle lighting and putting an angel on our remembrance tree in memory of your baby or child. 
There will be tea and coffee afterwards and time to talk and connect with each other.
We hope to see you there, message or email Val with any questions you may have, I will do my best to answer -


We understand that some of you may wish to join us for the Remembrance Celebration but be unable to attend - with this in mind we would like to offer you a way to include your precious babies too. If you send us their name in an email we will honour them by lighting a candle for them and speaking their name with all our babies during the ceremony.
United we honour our precious ones, together we help each other to heal.
Love and blessings, Val x x x


If you wish to make a donation via Virgin Money Giving - where we can receive Gift Aid please use the link below. Thank you so much.

Or to donate via PayPal please use the button below. Thank you so much.

Thank you